PATH leads to home at the Presbyterian Manor for Epps family

Gordon and Kathryn Epps have helped each of their parents go through PMMA’s PATH program and transition into assisted living. While the path looked slightly different for each family member, it led to the same place: Farmington Presbyterian Manor.“While mom was going through cancer, dad fell and broke his hip and went into rehab. That’s when we saw the depth of his dementia and knew mom couldn’t take care of him at home.
December 7, 2019

Therapists inspired by Jean Herbst’s path to recovery

When it comes to rehabilitation, our residents are in good hands with the Aegis partners and restorative aides we have dedicated to our community. These therapists offer a full range of care to handle any need and we are grateful for everything they do for us! One inspiring story of how our therapists are changing lives is of Farmington resident Jean Herbst.Earlier this summer, Jean was in a car accident that put her in the hospital for 11 days before she came to Farmington Presbyterian Manor
August 19, 2019

Therapy department uses tailored treatment plans

When you’ve suffered a physical setback, therapy can be a critical link between where you are and where you want to be. Thanks to a full-service therapy department, residents have a talented team of professionals on site ready to provide the dedicated and compassionate care they need to realize their goals.In honor of national physical therapy month, we thought we’d take a closer look at this vital component of our community.Operated by Aegis Therapies®
September 19, 2018