8 Ways to Preserve Your Family Memories

How to save precious images so future generations can enjoy them [Photo credit: Adobe Stock][/caption]By Claire Zulkey for Next AvenueDoes that box of unsorted family photos in your closet give you a gnawing feeling? Always wonder what you’re supposed to do with your old slides? Make it a winter project to organize and annotate your family images and records, not just for your current family but for future generations.
March 19, 2018

How to Leave an Inheritance Without Causing Grief

“I give them a $20,000 gift and I don’t get a thank you?” Sound familiar? The dollar amount may vary, but the frustration is the same. More and more people are frustrated and confounded at the lack of appreciation they experience when passing along their wealth to their children and grandchildren.They worked hard for their money because they wanted to give their kids and grandkids a better life. But these generous people are realizing that their wealth is causing them more grief than gain.
March 12, 2018

7 New Year's Resolutions for Your Mental Health

Resolve to focus on taking care of yourself, beginning now [Photo credit: Getty][/caption]By Patricia Corrigan for Next AvenueEating less and exercising more are likely on many a to-do list for 2017. But in between meals and after working out, we all can identify ways to improve our mental health as well. Below are seven new year’s resolutions I’ve devised to help me take better care of myself in 2017. What are yours?
December 2, 2017

3 Aging Decisions to Make Before Someone Does for You

Sometimes, growing older feels like one loss after another. No longer being able to drive or stay in our own home is difficult to accept. If we feel we are forced into those decisions, it can be harder still.
September 25, 2017

4 Ways to Donate to Charity Without Writing a Check

Want to make a difference, but the budget doesn't allow? Consider donating something other than cash. [Photo credit: Getty Images][/caption]When it comes to donating to charity, sometimes our budgets don’t allow us to be as generous as we we’d like. But you needn’t always open your wallet to help others. Here are four ways to give back that don’t involve writing a check or making a credit-card donation. As a bonus, you might even declutter your home and earn a tax-write off.
August 29, 2017