EVERYTHING LISTED UNDER: Alzheimer's disease

9 ways family caregivers can get a break

“Respite care” can be a little difficult to understand. The words don’t make it clear who is being helped. The “care” goes to the person who needs it due to illness or disability. The “respite” — a chance to rest and recharge — goes to the family member or other volunteer who would normally be on the spot, doing the caring. As for who gets helped by this? Everybody does.
July 25, 2017

5 commonly overlooked or misdiagnosed conditions in older adults

It’s no mystery that time and medical conditions may accelerate changes in our bodies as we age. Eventually, some of those changes might make it more difficult to distinguish between certain conditions and the actual process of getting older.
July 6, 2017

Too old to learn a language? Don't believe it

Conventional wisdom holds that the older we get, the harder it is to learn a new language. Which is true — except when it’s not.Turns out that while our brains might not be as quick or deft as in those halcyon days of youth, all that hard-earned experience, knowledge and discipline can come to the rescue.
June 22, 2017